Above I am getting the very unwelcome news that I am going to be caned. I have been caned many times, but that does not mean that I have ever grown complacent about its application to my bottom. The instruction to "bend over" is given calmly and I of course comply trying to appear calm. But on the inside I am anything but calm. My bottom feels totally exposed and vulnerable - which of course it is. Once I am bent over and dad has the cane in his hand, he will always calmly explain what is about to happen, even though we both know. "Very well Spencer, you were warned repeatedly what the consequences would be if you did not improve your behavior. Since you did not, you will now experience those consequences. I will give you 6 strokes with the cane across your bare behind. It gives me no pleasure to do this and will certainly give you no pleasure to receive, but as I'm in charge it is my duty to impress on you the importance of following the...